October 2021 Real Estate Statistics

Stats Flyer_South Metro_OCT 2021-1

The frenzied real estate market we experienced the past summer has simmered a bit, typical for this time of year; however, it's only a moderate slowdown compared to the record high levels.  Buyer demand remains quite strong while the inventory of homes for sale is still extremely tight; bottom line is that it's still a strong Seller's Market.  

It's surprising to some, but January through February is a fantastic time to sell. While there are fewer buyers during the winter months, those buyers are HIGHLY motivated, i.e. no lookie loos!  Come spring, who knows what will happen to interest rates and how that could impact the market...

It's a challenging real estate market and whether you are buying, selling or both, you need an experienced and trusted Realtor partner in your corner.  If you are considering making a move anytime in 2022, call me today at 303.807.2355 to get a jump start on the competition!